Associate Membership
Any non-member, who is interested in dancing or has joined classes or activities held by the Federation and who has submitted a completed application form for associate membership signed recommendation by any member or person-in-charge of a class to the membership-secretary, shall be member of the Federation and be entitled to privileges when joining activities and classes though not to the right to vote and to stand for election.
* Free of the admission fee
Individual Membership
Any person, who has contribution to the dance field or connection with the art of dance and who has submitted a completed application form for individual membership signed recommendation by any director of this year to the membership secretary, and whose
application has been approved by the board of directors, shall be member of the Federation and be entitled to a vote of nominating and being nominated for election.
* The annual subscription HK$200 only
Group Membership
Any registered dance association or dance school, including any dance group under a registered organization or an education institution, which has submitted a completed application form for group membership signed recommendation by any director of this year to the membership secretary, and whose application has been approved by the board of directors, shall be member of the Federation and be entitled to a vote of nominating and being nominated for election.
* The annual subscription HK$300 only