Since inception 45 years ago, the Federation has viewed its mission as promoting the dance development of Hong Kong, actively preserving and developing the diversified dance culture of the region.
Hong Kong Dance Federation Ltd. (the Federation) is a non-profit organization established in 1978 and all founder members were acclaimed personages in the dance society including Pearl CHAN, Helen LAI, LAU Siu Ming, NG Sai Fun, and the late CHENG Ya Ching, WONG Ngai Yum and Stephen KWOK.
It carries forward the art of dance, encouraging and expediting dance development in Hong Kong as well as promoting the cultural exchange. While applications for group and individual memberships are accepted upon recommendation of committee members, anybody interested in dance activities may become an associate member. At present, the Federation boasts a total membership of 260 Group members and 4,450 Individual and Associate members.
The Federation has launched a large-scale project to lay down the foundation for a local dance culture. Subsidies of outlays, sponsorship of venues and commission of performances have been offered by organizations such as the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, the Home Affairs Department, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Hong Kong major event organizing companies. Presently, it is a member of the International Dance Council (CID), an umbrella organization under UNESCO for all kinds of dance.
In 2012 the Federation was elected by the International Dance Organization (IDO) as the representative (now Probationary Member) of Hong Kong. Nominated to enter the IDO World Tap Dance Championships in Riesa, Germany, R & T won 3rd, 7th and 12th places in the categories of solos male and duos. The flag of Hong Kong slowly went up the pole.
Education and Examinations
Since its inception, the Federation has been entrusted with the task of developing dance in Hong Kong. Dance camps, updating classes, seminars, workshops and teachers’ training courses have been run jointly with government bodies and various education organizations. In 2001, the “Certificate in Dance/Diploma in Dance” programme was jointly presented with the School of Professional and Continuing Education of the University of Hong Kong. An assessment panel has also been formed to support dance competitions in various districts.
The “Chinese Dance Graded Examination” was introduced to Hong Kong in 1988. With the authorization from Beijing Dance Academy, the Federation worked on a complete and disciplined curriculum for Chinese Dance. In the past 20 years, more than 50,000 candidates have sat for the Examination. In 2005, the Federation also took up the role to become the representative of the Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing (CSTD) examinations in Hong Kong and China. Through various examinations, Classical Ballet, Modern Jazz, Tap, Theatrical, Modern & Latin American as well as the new syllabus – Contemporary Technique can be further developed in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority manages both of the Examinations.
Its members care for the society. They help people with physical and mental disabilities participate in dance activities and strive for fair opportunities. From 2009 onwards, the Federation has been awarded a certificate of appreciation of “Caring Organization” every year. It has also taken part in important local events in recent years including performances at Government Receptions on the National Day, 13 performances presented at the equestrian venue for the Olympic Games 2008, “The Legend” performed by 400 young dancers at the Opening Ceremony of the East Asia Games in 2009, and performances with different themes presented at the Opening Ceremony of the Hong Kong Games since 2007.
Apart from the above, the “International Youth Summer Dance Camp” has been held annually in Hong Kong since 2004; 6 winners from the “Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships 2008” were invited to perform in Guangzhou at the “Pearl River Delta Cultural Exchange Project”; “As Time Goes By”, a large-scale dance poem, was jointly presented by the Federation and Guangdong Province artists in 2009; and in June 2012, 6 brilliant dances were selected by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission of the PRC to perform at the 4th Minorities Arts Festival of China and awarded 10 prizes.
The Hong Kong Dance Expo, Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships, Kangaroo Cup and the Chinese Dance Graded Examination Competition
Between 1996 and 2003, the Federation had been organizing every year a large-scale “Dance Expo” in Hong Kong. There were over 50 dance groups and more than a thousand dancers from Hong Kong and overseas participating in this annual occasion. In 2011 dance groups were also encouraged to choreograph medium-size dance works as highlights of each evening.
The “Bauhinia Cup Dance Championships” plus “Winners’ Performance” first took place in 2004. Since then the “Dance Expo” and the “Bauhinia Cup” have been held every alternate year. In 2010 the first “Bauhinia Cup International Dance Invitation Championships” was launched. 5 nations and 9 areas with 24 outstanding dance programmes attended the function to display their feats for the international new elements. In “Bauhinia Cup International Dance Invitation Championships 2012” local dance groups took the top 6 places, earning high praises from adjudicators.
The Kangaroo Cup, a dance platform for solos, duets and trios, has been organized since 2006. Scholarships are given to best winners, and dance schools are advised to send their students to enter CSTD competitions in Australia and Asia Pacific Region so as to enrich stage experiences. The 14th Asia Pacific Dance Competition had been hosted by the Federation in the summer of 2012. More than 700 young dancers participated in this successful event.
To respond to the appeal of the Ministry of Culture for training before examination and performance after examination, the Federation has also organized “Chinese Dance Graded Examination Competition” since 2011, providing a platform for teachers and students to give full play to their creativity and enjoy the pleasure of dance.
Hong Kong Dance Federation Limited carries forward the art of dance, encouraging and expediting dance development in Hong Kong as well as promoting cultural exchange.
While applications for group and individual memberships are accepted upon recommendation of committee members, anybody interested in dance activities may become an associate member. At present, the Federation boasts a total membership of 260 Group members and 4,450 Individual and Associate members.
2024-2025 Organization Structure
榮譽會長 Honorary President
Mr. Timothy FOK Tsun-ting, GBS JP
Mrs. NG Chu Lien-fan, BBS, JP
副會長 Vice President
Mr. LAU Siu-ming, MH
董事局成員 Board of Directors
Mr. AU Weng-hei, William, SBS, JP
劉兆銘先生 MH
Mr. LAU Siu-ming, MH
Mrs. LO LIU Yiu-chee, Virginia
冼 源先生
Mr. SIN Yuen
Dr. TSUI Yee-wan, Linda
Ms. LUK Yun-mee
Ms. NG Kim-ling
Mr. LAU Pui-hung
Mr. LAU Ting-kwok
Ms. LEUNG Ki-fun, May
藝術總監 Artistic Director
冼 源先生
Mr. Sin Yuen
行政總監 Executive Director
Mrs. LO Liu Yiu-chee, Virginia
教育總監 Education Director
Ms. LUK Yun-mee
外展總監 Outreach Director
營運總監 Executive Director - Operations
顧問 Advisor
毛 妹太平紳士
Mrs. LIAO, Christine, JP
Mr. NG Sai-fun
Ms. NG Sheung-ha
Ms. SHENG Pei-qi
Ms. TANG, Tania
Mr. KO Chun-kwai
Mr. TSANG CC, Gerard
韋 奈先生
Mr. WEI Nai
Ms. SIT Ching-wa
Ms. LIU Chun-wai
Mrs. CHAN, Helen, SBS
義務法律顧問 Honorary Legal Advisor
范凱傑先生 MH
Mr. FAN Hoi-kit, Alex, MH
義務會計師 Honorary Accountant
Francis S.L.Yan & Co.,
理事會 Council
執行委員會 Executive Committee
主席 Chairperson
副主席 Vice Chairperson
Ms. NG Suet-mui, Violet
Mr. SEK Sing-chor
Ms. LEE, Eileen
義務司庫 Hon. Treasurer
義務秘書 Hon. Secretary
執行委員 Executive Committee Member
陳 磊先生
Mr. CHEN Lei, Felix
Mr. CHONG Chan-po
Ms. CHOW Hiu-man
Ms. CHUN, Ulian
Ms. FUNG Hang-mai
Mr. LAM Kwai-man
Mr. NG Lai-yin, Sean
Mr. TSANG Kam-chuen
理事 Council Member
Mr. AU Sai-kit
Ms. CHAN Kay-yin, Grace
Ms. CHENG Lai-fun, Terry
Ms. CHEUNG Ka-yan, Mabel
Mr. CHIU Ho-yin, Rex
Dr. CHOW Pui-yu, Lina
Ms. HO, Joey
Mr. KWOK Wai-kit
Ms. LAM Man-wa
Ms. LAU Man-fung
Ms. LAU Pik-ki, Becky
Ms. LEUNG Kit-man, Venessa
Ms. LEUNG Mei-kar, Eve
Ms. MAK, Lowintry
Ms. TING Chi-man
Mr. TSANG Kam-sing
Ms. TSANG Lili S. L.
Ms. TUNG Siu-hung
Ms. WONG Yat-chee
Mr. WU Kam-ming
Mr. YEUNG Kwan-yu
會長 President
Mr. AU Weng-hei, William, SBS, JP
行政總監 Executive Director
Mrs. LO LIU Yiu-chee, Virginia
助理項目經理 Assistant Project Manager
Ms. WONG Hoi-ching, Tiffany
行政助理 Administrative Assistant
Ms. CHAN Pui-chi
營運總監 Executive Director - Operations
温 雄先生
Mr. WAN Hung
高級行政主任 Senior Executive Officer
Ms. CHAN Lai-ping, Anna
藝術行政主任 Arts Administrative Officer
Hong Kong Arts Development Council Arts Administration Intern